Stop buying balloons

Stop buying balloons

Stop buying balloons

This is a tough one to write because I know that balloons create a lot of joy for kids. But balloons kill more seabirds than any other plastic and that’s a tough stat to ignore.

Here are some other things you can use to make your party festive:

– Leaf confetti: Create homemade confetti by punching holes in leaves! Totally natural and biodegradable.

-Ribbon dancers. They are beautiful and engaging and can be re-used many times. You can find ones that have wood handles and natural material ribbons as well or you can make your own.

– Wildflower seed bombs: You can find native species seed bombs in beautiful colours and they make fun and eco friendly party favours.

– Bubbles! Bubbles are so fun, even for adults. And there is no need to keep buying little containers of bubble solution. Just buy the wand and make your own bubbles! There is a great recipe on that just involves dish detergent, water and honey.

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