Create a nature scavenger hunt for your kids
We all know that most kids today don’t get enough outside time and time in nature. It’s such a shame because spending time in nature has tremendous health benefits, among them improved concentration, a greater ability to engage in creative play, and an aid to help treat mental illness (in particular, ADHD and depression).
Children who spend more time in nature also develop better motor fitness and coordination, especially in balance and agility.
And greater time in nature can help children develop greater mental acuity and inventiveness. Incredible benefits!⠀
But how do you actually get your kids out for, say a walk in the forest? Proclaiming “it’s good for your mental health!” sure isn’t going to cut it. So, a fun idea is to create a little game around your nature walk. ⠀
Enter: nature scavenger hunt. It’s so easy to set up, you just write on a piece of paper (or on your note app on your phone) a bunch of things that your kids might see, hear or feel when outside. You can have a little prize at the end of not.
They will have so much fun looking around for their items. AND they will be roaring around soaking in all that natural goodness, getting exercise, and learning a thing or two about the natural world.⠀
Here are some ideas for the scavenger hunt:⠀
What you can see:⠀
– a tree with no leaves⠀
– an evergreen tree⠀
– an insect⠀
– a pine cone⠀
– animal tracks⠀
– thorns⠀
What you can hear:⠀
– the wind⠀
– a bird⠀⠀
What you can feel: ⠀
– something rough⠀
– something smooth⠀
– something wet⠀
– what other cool things did you find? .
Note: Be sure to have your kids stay on the trails when walking in the forest so as not to destroy animal habitats and plants.