Learn to meditate

Learn to meditate

Learn to meditate

Have you heard about meditating? There are a few ways to do it but it’s where you sit still for a little while and try to relax. Some people try to learn their mind of thoughts, some people repeat a sentence or word over and over, some listen to guided meditations, and some just sit down and close their eyes for a few minutes. Meditating can be really good for you. It can help you reduce stress, concentrate better, improve your mood, and even help with sleep problems. If you want to give it a try, ask your parents to help you figure out the best way to get started. Maybe they can even do it with you. Just remember, for it to work best, you have to do it on a regular basis so it’s important that you set a reasonable goal to start. Many people start with trying meditating one minute at the same time every day (say, when you wake up or before bed) and then start adding more minutes once they get into the habit of doing it everyday.

A great goal is to eventually reach ten minutes a day but every little bit counts so if you need to stick to one or two minutes a day to make it work for you and your family, then that is great too.

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