Make soup from scraps
A great way to prevent kitchen waste is to freeze your veggie scraps and/or meat bones to turn into soup later. Every night after you’re done making dinner, put all the veggie scraps and meat bones that you didn’t use into a container in the freezer. When that container is full, put it all in a pot, add some celery, carrots, onion and herbs (thyme and parsley work well), fill it with water until the water just barely covers the scraps, and simmer uncovered on medium for an hour. Once it’s done, just strain the soup and discard the solids. Done! You can use the stock immediately, refrigerate up to 3 weeks, or freeze up to 3 months. What kind of scraps can you use, you ask? Most anything really, but some good ones are the outer layers of onions, corn cobs, mushrooms stems, celery and carrot leaves, carrot peels, herb stems, and any meat or poultry bones.