Conserve water
We all know the world’s water is under stress from pollution and wasteful practices by people and corporations. Here are a few things you can do around your own home to conserve water that will cost you little to no money: ⠀
-re-use your pasta or vegetable cooking liquid: you can use this to water your plants as it will give your plants extra nutrients (just let it cool first).⠀
-eat less meat: rearing animals for meat and dairy is very water-intensive. If you cut down on the amount of meat products you buy, you can reduce your water footprint drastically.⠀
-harvest rain water. You can use a rain barrel or even keep a few big bowls around your yard and use the water they collect to water your garden.
-turn the tap off while brushing your teeth or washing your hands.
-only run the dishwasher or laundry machine when you have full loads.
-scrape, don’t rinse, dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
-put a layer of mulch around trees and plants in your yard (this slows evaporation of moisture).
-steam your veggies instead of boiling them.
-buy less and buy local: the more goods and food you buy, the more water is used to produce and ship those items.